At OTYS we are continuously optimizing the user experiences for our customers. For this we consider your feedback to be very important.

Based on your feedback, we have decided to change the Key User Training.

Why are we making changes?

Within OTYS we have had two roles for years: Users and Key Users. As a Key User you have more rights within OTYS and you can adjust the layout of the system, submit tickets and create new users.

We have always covered all options for the Key User in one afternoon training. As you may understand this is a lot of information for half a day. We also received this feedback from the participants of the training. For those who really want to get started with managing their own system, it was actually too much information in a short time. What we also noticed more and more is that a large part of the participants do not really want to make adjustments to the system themselves, but mainly want to become Key Users in order to be able to send out tickets and create accounts for new colleagues.

New roles and training types

With the feedback received in mind, we have adapted both the roles and the types of training. We now use three roles: User, Super User and Key User. We explain the differences to you.


As a User you have the usual rights for daily work. We give a User Training twice a month via Teams, in which we discuss the most used modules and functionalities. You can register for this training via our website.

Super User

The Super User has the rights of a User and additionally the rights to create tickets and new users. So for this you no longer need to become a Key User! A Super User does not have the rights to make changes to the layout, but can submit a change request via Support.

We expect this to be a godsend for many of our customers; this way you can ensure that the system remains up-to-date with your working method, without having to delve into settings and extra modules yourself.

Are you interested? You can request the rights via Support. The maximum number of Super Users depends on the size of the organization. There is no separate training for the Super User role; we have made informative videos that explain step by step how to create Tickets and Users within OTYS.

Key User

In our previous training courses, we made the assumption that someone who became a 'Key User' would be responsible for all changes to the interior. Statuses, workflows, mail templates, rights for your colleagues, everything was in one training. In practice, it turned out that participants often came to a training for one specific component, for example reports.

In our new training courses we have divided the topics. This way you can choose training courses that suit your interests and the role you have within your own organization. Because of this division we also take plenty of time per subject. This also gives you more time to deepen your knowledge and to practice on your own. These training courses are given on location in Houten and include a catered lunch.

View all courses

The OTYS Recruitment System is designed to work quickly and efficiently. For this intelligent cloud solution, all you need is internet access and a web browser. But, what if you now want to add a new candidate on the go? What if you want to look up a customer's contact details? Or just simply want to send an update e-mail to a colleague after a conversation? The new OTYS on the Go! app makes mobile working easy, efficient and pleasant!

All the information at hand

In the OTYS on the Go! app you have all the information at hand to work quickly and, most importantly, easily in OTYS. You can now consult the following matters in the app: vacancies, candidates, contacts, e-mails and calendar appointments. Over the past period, we at OTYS have worked hard on an app that is not only technically sound, but which is also at the highest level in terms of interface and ease of use. Enjoy a very intuitive app. Safe, easy and fast.

Improving our software

The old OTYS apps all had only one function. This worked, but let's be honest: not very well. You were forced to continuously switch between the apps for your different actions. In the new OTYS app, you will find all modules bundled. With a single swipe of the thumb, you go from candidate to contact, so you can send said contact an e-mail.

Flexible dashboard

Get to work mobile with a handy dashboard where you can see your entire schedule at a single glance. Just like the dashboard in your web browser, this dashboard can be adjusted to taste and preference.

Partner integrations

The app not only has room for the modules of OTYS, but also for our partners. For example, do you use the smart Whatsapp inbox of our partner Joboti? Then you can easily access it via the On the Go! app. Did you know that OTYS is the only recruitment software supplier where partners are so seamlessly incorporated in one application?

There are many parallels between the development of the services of recruitment and mediation agencies and the development of the recruitment software suppliers. Nowadays, it is no longer a matter of transferring CVs, but the relationship with candidates is now paramount, partly due to the tight labor market. Focus on building the relationship with your candidate in order to guide and thereby retain them.

“How do we bring in the right people?” is a question that especially corporations are asking now that the labor market is slowly starting to move again. During the corona crisis, employers have seen people leave, and have not been able to replace them. Now they have to attract those new people. At the same time, workers have seen their workload increase and have started to evaluate their work-life balance. This evaluation is often accompanied by the question: “Is this still the right place for me for the next five years?”

The predicted 'great resignation' will probably not come about, but shifts are being felt, because the labor market has come to a standstill and has to get back into balance.

Don't let demands become the end

There is a lot of throughput in a very tight labor market. What is striking is that corporations are now looking for people who are immediately 'up and running'. This is due to they themselves not having the time and capacity to train people. They expect new employees to have all the skills, be able to work with all systems and to master the processes right away. All requirements must be checked. This makes the already tight labor market for your organization even smaller.

That's a shame, because the budget spent on finding that perfect candidate (who doesn't exist) is better spent on candidates who may not yet meet the requirements 100%, but who have the drive to to learn. In Holland you have a saying: “Go to the nuns and learn French”. A candidate can first attend a course for a week to learn to use a marketing tool or to master a programming language. Be (also) willing to invest in the candidate's route to get it to that 100%. 

People want to learn. The new, young generation in particular shows great enthusiasm for this. Make sure they can do this too! 

Janine Nieboer
Customer Success Manager

Recruitment and selection agencies keep learning

As a matter of fact, recruitment and selection agencies are already responding to this by expanding their services. In addition to recruiting and selecting, they help corporate clients train, guide and coach new people. So naturally many secondments and agencies set up their own academies.

And, with results! People want to learn. The new, young generation in particular shows great enthusiasm for this. Make sure they can do this (immediately). Not only beneficial for the organization, but also pleasant for candidates, who make a softer landing in their new job. So it would be a good credit for employers to outsource this if they can't do it in-house.

Systems that connect

Some companies are willing to invest money in the search for the perfect candidate, but are then reluctant to invest in the knowledge development and skills development of the new employees.
You see the same thing when investing in a recruitment system such as an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). People would still want to pay for the implementation of a new software package, but not for the maintenance and further development of the system. Even though this is really necessary.
When recruitment systems change, the systems change with them. When there is a scarcity on the labor market, you as a recruiter look at profiles differently. When candidates do not have all the hard skills, you look more at the soft skills and the possibilities to let people develop further. This means that you will have to look critically at whether (the current layout of) the system is sufficiently in line with these renewed processes. Dealing with candidates differently means different processes; and the system must be adapted to guide those processes as best as possible. 

More time for coffee

With a well-designed recruitment system, you want to automate unpleasant administrative actions as much as possible, so that the recruiter has more time to do the pleasant aspects of his/her job: drinking a cup of coffee with a candidate, having conversations to assess whether the candidate fits into the corporate culture of the organization, for example.

You cannot automate the feeling of a recruiter. Automation should free up time for those kinds of essential things. And every organization knows how important that cultural match is. If you want to keep an employee for a longer period of time, you may want it to match the company culture, otherwise he or she will be gone in no time. (And that's a shame if you've put a lot of time and money into acquiring that perfect candidate.)

Resumes do more than slide

In the past, recruitment and selection agencies were sometimes seen as CV sliders. Which was also possible at a time when piles of resumes came in. Nowadays, agencies have to invest much more in building a relationship with candidates in order to put them in the best possible way.

In the beginning, an ATS was therefore set up to be able to process as many resumes as possible and to automate the rejection process. Now an ATS must be set up to retain and continue to engage a candidate, even if they cannot be placed immediately. By (partially) automating interaction moments with the talent pool, for example, or updating the (soft) skills in the ATS, or a signaling function to send a WhatsApp at the right times, et cetera. 

Set requirements for recruitment software

The modern recruitment software meets different requirements than before. Where in the past everything was developed in-house within closed systems, it is now beneficial if software can be linked to optimally streamline your processes.

For example, OTYS offers SaaS solutions in the cloud. In addition to the basic system, various tools can be linked in the network (plug and play), such as assessment tools or marketing automation tools.

The recruiter simply works from one environment and only has to click on a button to start a flow in an external tool. A simple and optimal design for long-term relationships with candidates and customers.

Are you afraid that you are working with an outdated system? Would you like to know what OTYS can do for you and your company? Get in touch with us and discover how you can make recruitment software work for you.