

FashionUnited is a B2B platform for the fashion industry. Thanks to experience in the industry over the past 20 years, 80% of the world's top 100 fashion companies have found FashionUnited. FashionUnited has knowledge of the national and international fashion industry. On average 100,000 visitors per month. 
Duration: 30 days

Dredging Today provides expert coverage of the industry sectors that matter most to you and your business. This includes news and updates on markets, projects, vessels, equipment, research, contractors and the authorities that dominate those markets. From breaking news, technological advances to project activities, Dredging Today's experienced and respected team of editors, columnists and correspondents will keep you informed. Whether you are a project worker, welder, captain, project manager, authority or board member, the place to find the latest developments in the dredging and port construction industry is Job posting includes:
  • Vacancy is live on for 60 days.
  • Posting includes description and logo.
Duration: 60 days is the Social Fund for the audiovisual sector in Belgium and comprises all radio stations, TV stations, production houses and facility companies (Joint Committee 227).
Duration: 60 days

OVN stands for Optometrists Association Netherlands. OVN looks after the interests of optometrists who are members of the association. In addition, OVN is involved in raising the profile of the optometry profession. This is done, among other things, by developing leaflets on optometry, by this website, by promotion at trade fairs and by publications in newspapers and magazines.
Duration: 90 days

Dogfinance est le premier réseau socio-professionnel français spécialisé dans les domaines de la gestion et de la finance avec plus de 500 000 membres. Dogfinance s'adresse aux professionnels de la finance et leur permet de se créer un réseau, dans le but de faciliter les contacts puis de développer ses relations professionnelles. Les aboutissants de ce réseau sont multiples : échanges d'informations/expériences, mise en relation candidats/recruteurs, acheteurs/vendeur ou encore start-up/investisseurs. Il offre aux membres la possibilité de renseigner un profil détaillé, de publier leur CV en ligne et ainsi, de postuler directement à des annonces. Pour les entreprises, le site propose des solutions de recrutement et de communication RH. Dogfinance répond aux problématiques RH 2.0 et permet de développer la marque employeur via le réseau social.
Duree: 45 jours is Germany's leading generic website. has been active since 2004. On average 100.000 visitors per month and 20.000 mail subscribers. This product includes mailing.
Duration: 60 days Premium Top Job (Nationwide) Premium Top Job (Nationwide) is part of YoungCapital, the largest broadcaster of the new generation. focuses on connecting students with companies in Austria efficiently and quickly. Includes:
  • Vacancy posted on for 30 days.
  • Includes referral link (worth €79).
  • Posting is marked as Top Job.
  • Colour highlighting of vacancy.
  • Jobs are published nationwide.
Duration: 30 days + Top Job + Top Job Vacancies in the field of Big Data for Business or Marketing Intelligence Managers, Business analysts, Database professionals, database managers, IT managers, Information managers, Business development managers with a background in IT and everyone who will shape within his organization or institution to the Big Data project. First 2 weeks as a top vacancy.
Duration: 60 days

Cadremploi is the first private job site for managers and executives in France. Real recruitment media, Cadremploi makes every effort to meet executives' expectations by offering them the key services for a successful job search: job search consultation, CV deposit, email notifications, news and advice (weekly newsletter, career advice on CVs, cover letters, interviews, employment law ...). Cadremploi has almost 12,000 permanently updated vacancies, 2.1 million unique CVs, more than 4.8 million visits and 14 million page views per month. Vacancies must be written in French.
Duration: 28 days + newsletter + newsletter is an online platform for marketing, communication, social media, design and design, mobile, user experience and new media professionals. The Frankwatching community consists of more than 100,000 members, including around 55,000 Twitter followers, 15,000 newsletter subscribers and 10,000 professionals who are members of the LinkedIn group. The vacancy will be placed as "Vacancy of the Day" in the newsletter.
Duration: 30 days (Active Posting) (Active Posting)

Experteer is a platform that focuses purely on the higher segment in terms of salary and education and working level (€60K +). The site only has (higher) functions for publication that require several years of experience (required). In the age structure of candidates, more than 74% are between 31 and 40 years old. The vacancy is extra spread within the partner networks, and an extra Google Adwords SEM campaign is started especially for the vacancy placement. Together with a top ranking in the search results, this ensures maximum reach within and outside Experteer.
Please note: maximum of 6.000 characters in vacancy text.
Duration: 30 days + Spotlight + Spotlight is an online platform for marketing, communications, social media, design and layout, mobile, user experience and new media professionals. The Frankwatching community consists of more than 100,000 members, including around 55,000 Twitter followers, 15,000 newsletter subscribers and 10,000 professionals who are members of the LinkedIn group. The Spotlight promotion includes 3 days at the top of the job board + spotlight position weekly VacatureUpdate.
Duration: 30 days (Standard) (Standard) is a job board for highly trained professionals with a background in technology. On IngenieurNext there are only vacancies for which an HBO / WO education is required. IngenieurNext is therefore the job bank for professionals who have studied at TU, Wageningen University, HAS or HBO Techniek.
Duration: 60 days

De Vereniging van Nederlandse Industrie-Apothekers (NIA) is an independent association, founded in 1955. The association has ordinary members and extraordinary members. Ordinary members are pharmacists working in the industrial field. The other members, also employed in industrial pharmacy and academically trained, are extraordinary members. The association has more than 500 members, of which around 400 are regular members.
Duration: 30 days (boost) (boost)

We are Joblift – a job search platform providing candidates with the most intuitive and frictionless experience during the recruiting process. We apply latest machine learning techniques and big data-based algorithms to offer the optimal match between employer and job seeker. To achieve the best potential candidates, we set up individualised performance marketing campaigns specifically tailored to your search requirements. These campaigns are then distributed to all online marketing channels relevant to you. In addition, we also place our partners’ vacancies on the platforms of our affiliates. Currently active in the US, the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands, we are cooperating with over 4,000 partners to incorporate over 10 million vacancies on our platform.
Duration: 30 days (boost) (boost)

We are Joblift – a job search platform providing candidates with the most intuitive and frictionless experience during the recruiting process. We apply latest machine learning techniques and big data-based algorithms to offer the optimal match between employer and job seeker. To achieve the best potential candidates, we set up individualised performance marketing campaigns specifically tailored to your search requirements. These campaigns are then distributed to all online marketing channels relevant to you. In addition, we also place our partners’ vacancies on the platforms of our affiliates. Currently active in the US, the UK, Germany, France and the Netherlands, we are cooperating with over 4,000 partners to incorporate over 10 million vacancies on our platform.
Duration: 30 days

Salesjob is a career-specific internet career platform for top employees and sales executives. With the help of a sales department, companies can recruit qualified sales staff in a targeted, fast and cost-effective manner. More than 250,000 visitors visit the sites every month.
Duration: 30 days + Newsletter + Newsletter

The Dutch Association for Safety Sciences (NVVK) is the knowledge platform for safety experts in the Netherlands. With a network of 3,000 safety members in various disciplines and groups, our members are not alone. The NVVK is actively involved in changes in legislation and regulations. The NVVK also defends the interests of members and safety experts in general. All members of the NVVK receive the vacancy through a vacancy mailing. Only the vacancy can be found in this mailing.
Duration: 30 days (Standard Job) (Standard Job) (previously Nevi) is the vacancy bank with the most interesting vacancies in the procurement industry. is a specialized vacancy bank for purchasing positions from HBO level. The vacancy is also placed in the sidebar of the trade website and is included in the rss feed in the newsletter.
Duration: 30 days

The smell of mowed grass and the practical craftsman as the most important starting point. The most important portal for the construction, maintenance and management of sports fields in the Netherlands. All published content from recent years available online.
Duration: 30 days
Facebook + Instagram Premium

Facebook + Instagram Premium

With 10.4 million users on Facebook and 5.6 million users on Instagram, these are two of the largest social media channels in the Netherlands. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts convert the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.
Duration: 21 days

Academic Positions is an international career network for academics, researchers and scientists. We are offering a wide range of vacancies and employers from all over the world. Vacancy text only in english.
Duration: 90 days is a weblog that focuses entirely on marketing and interactive media. The content on this site is fully written for and by marketers, making the site very popular within this target group. The vacancy module on this site reaches both passive and active job seekers.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in technology and engineering. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in safety and security. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in IT. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in finance. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in human resources and recruitment. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to candidates searching for jobs in agriculture, farming, landscaping, environmental studies and food industry. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days (Budget) (Budget)

ICTwerkt is a recruitment platform with a large reach within the Dutch IT-market. 
Duration: 60 days is the largest GGZ job bank in the Netherlands. There is a direct reach among 20,000 professionals in mental health care, addiction care and youth care. The vacancies are posted as standard on the entire GGZ vacancies network: - The largest GGZ vacancy database in the Netherlands, in the linkedIn group GGZ with 15,000 professionals from the GGZ, in the monthly online magazine GGZ and in a mailing to thousands of relevant professionals suitable for the vacancy and distribution via Facebook, Twitter and linkedin.
Duration: 60 days

At you can advertise your vacancies directly to local candidates. This directed and specific targetting results in intended views and more applications.
Duration: 60 days

New technology & gadgets, innovative software, high-profile advertisements, all developments in the field of social media, interactive marketing, and more on Dutchcowboys. DC Vacatures is focused on jobs in the media, ICT, marketing, communication, sales, consultancy, retail, telecom and leisure.
Duration: 90 days (Premium) (Premium) is a niche job site that focuses entirely on process technicians. Because of this specialism, it is possible to reach the target group in a very targeted way. Placement on Procestechniek, at the top of the vacancy overview, on Indeed, LinkedIn and in the Procestechniek network.
Duration: 60 days + Newsletter + Newsletter is an independent platform for news from the heart of the water sector. The platform WaterForum focuses on news that is relevant to decision makers in the water sector. Our readers work for water companies, water boards, industrial companies, sewerage companies, water technology companies, engineering firms, knowledge institutes, universities and government. The vacancy is posted on the website, which has 20,000,000 visitors per month. The vacancy is also placed in the newsletter, which is sent out weekly, under 11,000 abbonees. 
Duration: 60 days (Premium) (Premium) was founded as "the central location" for the (latent) job seeking procurement professional who wants to (continue to) fulfill his/her career and is also possibly looking for a new procurement job. Contains:
  • The vacancy will be distributed as an update/message on the social media channels LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • The vacancy will be posted once in the E-news mailing (15.500 addresses) and once in the E-Jobs mailing (18.500 addresses). 
  • The vacancy is shown in the InkoopJobs app and on the website.
Duration: 60 days + newsletter + newsletter is de dé praktische informatiebron op het gebied van verkeer en mobiliteit
in Nederland. Verkeer in Beeld is een must voor professionals in de verkeer- en vervoersector. Naast website, ook een e-magazine, e-mailnieuwsbrief. Bereik: 40.000 professionals. E-mailnieuwsbrief heeft 6100 abonnees
Looptijd: 31 dagen (top) (top) is the labour market portal for HR & Change professionals in the Netherlands that brings supply and demand on the HR labour market together. The vacancy is distributed to members via Twitter and Linkedin HRjob.
A top job is also posted on the LinkedIn company page, in our newsletter and highlighted on the homepage for two weeks. 
Duration: 90 days Spotlight Job Spotlight Job is the job site of Through the wide reach of they offer the opportunity to reach general managers, IT managers, IT specialists and IT professionals. This is the Spotlight Vacancy. 

  • Vacancy is posted on for 30 days.
  • Prominent position at the top of the job listings on
  • Advertorial in AGconnect newsletter.

Duration: 30 days (Superior) (Superior) has been the niche job bank of the Benelux for more than 10 years. Via a 'search engine, social recruitment & content strategy' thousands of professionals are reached in the Netherlands & Belgium. This mix ensures that both the active and the latent target groups are addressed with new vacancies & profession-oriented content. Dissemination via social media channels (+13,800 followers). Dissemination via e-mail alerts. Exclusive mention in e-mail newsletter (+11,200 recipients). Tailor-made social media campaign (14 days) based on criteria of the vacancy.
Duration: 60 days

Marketing & Communication is a vibrant community with an average of 1,500 unique visitors to the site every day. They have more than 30,850 members on LinkedIn, more than 19,000 fans on Facebook and 10,000 followers on Twitter. Weekly 25,000 newsletter subscribers are reached.
Duration: 30 days

Lintberg connects candidates, headhunters and clients in the top segment: exclusively for vacancies with a salary starting at € 100,000 on an annual basis.
Duration: 70 days + Top ranking + Dedicated e-mail + Top ranking + Dedicated e-mail, for vacancies in civil engineering, road and hydraulic engineering / infrastructure / civil engineering. It is a niche site that focuses entirely on this area. Furthermore, the vacancy is sent in a dedicated e-mail. The database looks at how many matches there are based on criteria.
Duration: 90 days (top) (top) is part of HRcommunity and is the labour market portal for HR & Change professionals in the Netherlands that brings supply and demand on the HR labour market together. The vacancy is distributed among members via Twitter and Linkedin HRjob. The vacancy is also included in the newsletter HRjournaal with a reach of 15,000+ members. A top job is also posted on the LinkedIn company page, in our newsletter and highlighted on the homepage for two weeks. 
Duration: 90 days + Gold + Gold is a job site that focuses entirely on the finance professional. We use a Gold placement where the vacancy is added extra partner sites such as the LinkedIn group Finance Professionals Netherlands with 16,000 members and the email newsletter which is sent to over 30,000 financial professionals. The total reach is more than 100,000 professionals.
Duration: 60 days (Priority Advert) (Priority Advert)

Engineeroxy is an academic web portal for careers of professors, lecturers, researchers and academic managers in schools of engineering and technology worldwide.

Engineeroxy attracts the attention of the academic audience of more than 920,000 professors, lecturers, researchers and academic managers who represent the academic disciplines and professions in the fields of engineering and technology including aerospace engineering, civil engineering, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, electrical engineering, industrial engineering, materials sciences and engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering and petroleum engineering.

Engineeroxy addresses directly and personally each of 920,000 professors, lecturers, researchers and academic managers sending specialised newsletters with job vacancy notifications twice a month. This provides visibility and incomparable power of media impact for schools of engineering and technology which are Engineeroxy clients.

1,100 schools of engineering and technology
920,000 professors, lecturers, researchers and academic managers
1,400 views per advertisement monthly
210,000 unique visitors monthly
1,840,000 specialised newsletters with job vacancy notifications sent monthly

With a priority ad, you will have increased visibility on the jobs page, in the newsletter and on the homepage of the website!

Duration: 60 days

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