
Typen Slovakia Slovakia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Serbia Serbia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days
Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium

Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium

Facebook and Instagram are the two largest social media channels in the world. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts converts the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.
Duration: 21 days - the top job board for Software Engineers in Switzerland. Trusted by over 600 companies and visited by over 32'000 monthly users.
Their main selling point is transparency & top-notch user experience for Software Developers & IT people. 
Each job is also included in the job newsletter.

A salary indication is mandatory for this channel. This will help you attract candidates even in this difficult sector. This channel is only available for employers located in Switserland.

When you order this product you get:

  • job posting for 60 days
  • refresh to top after 30 days
  • vacancy included in newsletter (5500 subscribers)
  • vacancy included in Google for Jobs

Duration: 60 days + Job of the Week + Job of the Week

FashionUnited is a B2B platform for the fashion industry. Thanks to experience in the industry over the past 20 years, 80% of the world's top 100 fashion companies have found FashionUnited. FashionUnited has knowledge of the national and international fashion industry. On average 100,000 visitors per month. A Job of the Week appears on the home page and reaches both passive and latent jobseekers.
Duration: 30 days Montenegro Montenegro is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days
Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

Int. Facebook + Instagram Premium Plus

Facebook and Instagram are the two largest social media channels in the world. Advertising through these channels enables you to reach the latent jobseekers in a highly targeted way via the advanced targeting possibilities. By combining these two platforms, the system ensures that the budget is spent on the most converting platform. In addition, we use dynamic banners in which we continuously test which images and texts converts the best. The vacancy is also placed on our recruitment network pages free of charge.

With a Plus+ campaign, the duration is longer and the budget used on advertising is higher. This increases the reach and results.
Duration: 30 days + newsletter + newsletter

Event-Jobs is the vacancy bank for the event industry with an overview of vacancies for full-time / part-time jobs and internships. We will also post the vacancy for 1 week on the homepage and once in the EventFlash (newsletter - 37.000 subscribers). 1.000.000 visitors per year.
Duration: 30 days Moldova Moldova is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days New Zealand New Zealand is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Macedonia Macedonia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days (Instituut van Internal Auditors) + Nieuwsbrief (Instituut van Internal Auditors) + Nieuwsbrief

Het Instituut van Internal Auditors Nederland (IIA) is de grootste beroepsvereniging van internal auditors in Nederland. De missie van IIA is om het beroep en vak internal audit in Nederland te ontwikkelen en te promoten en daarvoor internal auditors, management en andere belanghebbenden te ondersteunen bij een succesvolle invulling van de internal auditfunctie. De website heeft ongeveer 10.000 bezoekers per maand. De vacature wordt doorgeplaatst in de tweewekelijkese digitale nieuwsbrief.
Looptijd: 60 dagen Latvia Latvia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Kosovo Kosovo is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days

Advocatenblad is the A title for the legal profession. The Dutch Bar Association (NOvA) promotes the interests of the legal profession. Advocatenblad is the official publication of the NOvA and reaches more than 17,000 registered lawyers in a personal capacity. This can be posted on the website and via a newsletter.
Duration: 30 days

CareerBuilder is one of the world's largest career networks. Internationally established and successful, we are your main source for Online Recruiting, Social Media Consulting and Employer Branding.
Duration: 30 days Georgia Georgia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Botswana Botswana is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Congo Congo is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Singapore Singapore is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Cabo Verde Cabo Verde is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days

V&VN VS focuses on the professional development and positioning of all nursing specialists. V&VN VS strives to promote and strengthen the position of nursing specialists in the Netherlands. By making an active contribution to the development of the nurse specialist position, the quality of professional practice and public health are promoted.
Duration: 60 days the generic Vietnamese job site is owned by CareerBuilder USA - a global leader in recruitment solutions. The company has world-class technology.
Duration: 30 days Western Sahara Western Sahara is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days

The website is a French job site in the technical sector. It is also a subsidiary of careerbuilder.
Duration: 30 days Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Eritrea Eritrea is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Belarus Belarus is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Azerbaijan Azerbaijan is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Comoros Comoros is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Albania Albania is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates. 
Duration: 30 days Lesotho Lesotho is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days
Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung

Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung

The Frankfurt Algemeine Zeitung is a well-known newspaper in Germany. The newspaper reaches about 900,000 readers daily.
The newspaper has a solid and bourgeois-conservative signature and publishes long texts, does not shy away from complex word usage and offers little visual material.
Therefore, the newspaper is often read by businessmen and higher educated people.

The website of the F.A.Z. also has a vacancy portal called 
With the newspaper and this portal, they target the entire German market.

Duration: 60 days + Newsletter + Newsletter

Medical Oncology is the official portal for the Dutch Society of Medical Oncology. Medical Oncology's starting point is to keep its members (internist-oncologists) informed about the latest NVMO news, the latest clinical-scientific developments in the field and about policy, political, economic and social developments related to (medical) oncology. Medical Oncology contributes to the knowledge and opinion formation of the internist-oncologist in these fields.
Duration: 30 days Libya Libya is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Viet Nam Viet Nam is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Mozambique Mozambique is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Taiwan Taiwan is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Namibia Namibia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Brazil Brazil is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Paraguay Paraguay is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Sri Lanka Sri Lanka is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Newsletter Newsletter

The purpose of the VZI, The Association of Hospital Instrumentation Technicians, is to promote contacts between members, to increase and deepen their knowledge. The VZI also promotes the interests of its members. The newsletter of the VZI is sent to 1,200 addresses. Contains:
  • The vacancy is posted on the VZI website.
  • Vacancy is forwarded on, the medical technology platform.
  • Vacancy is included in the VZI newsletter on a monthly basis.
Duration: 60 days South Korea South Korea is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days

Dutch Rheumatology Association : The Dutch Rheumatology Association (NVR) is a scientific association for persons professionally involved in care, education and research for patients with rheumatic diseases.
Duration: 30 days Malaysia Malaysia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Macao Macao is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days (Premium) (Premium) is the job board of Careerbuilder Germany. is a generic but very famous site in Germany. guarantees a wide range.
Duration: 30 days


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Duration: 30 days Indonesia Indonesia is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days Brunei Darussalam Brunei Darussalam is placed in the top 3 of job boards and has millions of users worldwide. Therefore LinkedIn offers a large database with mainly highly educated potential employees and for that reason it's a very interesting recruitment channel. In addition, LinkedIn reaches many passive jobseekers. This group of passive jobseekers contains many top quality candidates.
Duration: 30 days

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